About me
I'm a Lecturer in Statistical Science at the University of Bristol.
Please read on to find out more about my research & papers.
Research Interests
My research is on Statistics and Machine Learning. Recently, I have been interested in transfer learning, subgroup discovery, compressive learning, classification with label noise, structured prediction and multi-armed bandits.
Adaptive transfer learning
Henry W J Reeve, Timothy I Cannnings, Richard J Samworth
Annals of Statistics (2021) - To appear [ Paper]
Minimax optimal subgroup selection
Henry W J Reeve, Timothy I Cannnings, Richard J Samworth [ Paper]
Statistical optimality conditions for compressive ensembles
Henry W J Reeve and Ata Kaban
Under review (2021) [ Paper]
Optimistic bounds for multi-output prediction
Henry W J Reeve and Ata Kaban
International Conference on Machine Learning (2020) [ Paper]
To Ensemble or Not Ensemble: When does End-To-End Training Fail?
Andrew Webb, Charles Reynolds, Wenlin Chen, Dan-Andrei Iliescu, Henry Reeve, Mikel Lujan, and Gavin Brown
European Conference on Machine Learning (2020) [ Paper]
Classification with unknown class-conditional label noise on non-compact feature spaces
Henry W J Reeve and Ata Kaban
Conference on Learning Theory, (2019) [ Paper]
Robust randomized optimization with nearest neighbors
Henry W J Reeve and Ata Kaban
Analysis and Applications (2019) [ Paper]
Fast rates for a kNN classifier robust to unknown asymmetric label noise
Henry W J Reeve and Ata Kaban
International Conference on Machine Learning (2019) [ Paper]
Exploiting geometric structure in mixture proportion estimation with generalised Blanchard-Lee-Scott estimators
Henry W J Reeve and Ata Kaban
Algorithimic Learning Theory (2019) [ Paper]
The k-nearest neighbour UCB algorithm for multi-armed bandits with covariates
Henry W J Reeve, Joe Mellor and Gavin Brown
Algorithimic Learning Theory (2018) [ Paper]
Modular dimensionality reduction
Henry W J Reeve, Tingting Mu and Gavin Brown
European Conference on Machine Learning (2018) [ Paper]
Diversity and degrees of freedom in regression ensembles
Henry W J Reeve and Gavin Brown
Neurocomputing, Volume 298, 12 July 2018, Pages 55-68 (2018) [ Paper]
Minimax rates on manifolds with approximate nearest neighbours
Henry W J Reeve and Gavin Brown
Algorithimic Learning Theory (2017) [ Paper]
Degrees of freedom in regression ensembles
Henry W J Reeve and Gavin Brown
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (2017) [ Paper]
Modular autoencoders for ensemble feature extraction
Henry W J Reeve and Gavin Brown
Neurips Workshop on Feature Extraction: Modern Questions and Challenges (2015) [Paper]
Infinite non-conformal iterated function systems
Henry W J Reeve
Israel Journal of Mathematics 194 (1), 285-329, (2013) [Paper]
On the Diophantine properties lambda-expansions
Tomas Persson, Henry W J Reeve
Mathematika 59 (01), 65-86, (2013) [Paper]
A Frostman-type lemma for sets with large intersections, and an application to Diophantine approximation
Tomas Persson, Henry W J Reeve
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 1-22, (2013) [Paper]
Multifractal analysis of Birkhoff averages for typical infinitely generated self-affine sets
Antti Käenmäki, Henry W J Reeve
Journal of Fractal Geometry 1 (1), 83-152, (2012) [Paper]
The packing spectrum for Birkhoff averages on a self-affine repeller
Henry W J Reeve
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 32 (04), 1444-1470, (2012) [Paper]
Shrinking targets for countable Markov maps
Henry W J Reeve [Paper]
Multifractal analysis for Birkhoff averages on Lalley-Gatzouras repellers
Henry W J Reeve
Fundamenta Mathematicae 212 (1), 71-93, (2010) [Paper]
Contact Me
If you would like to contact me please email henry.reeve@bristol.ac.uk.